
Boxer Mix | male | 5 Months Old | 26 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Loves people! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Check out a video of Smokey here!


Smokey, or Smokey Jay as we call him, is a typical medium-high energy level puppy who just loves people. He is one of the sweetest, and smartest puppies I have met.

On a typical day, Smokey wakes up at around 7am (but sometimes we both oversleep) and is excited to say hello. We start the day off with breakfast, and then head out for a walk around Downtown Madison.

When we return back to my apartment, Smokey has playtime while I get ready for the day, up until I have to leave for work at 9am. Smokey goes in his crate when I am away at work, and he is happy to go in with a treat. He knows that “bedtime” means his crate, and he does not whine, but may need some toys or a Kong to keep him entertained while away.

I spend my lunch breaks with him around 12:30-1:30 and we go out for another walk, say hello to my coworkers, and have lunch. He loves when people and other dogs say hello to him on the street, and acts almost offended when people walk by without petting him. He has become very popular at my apartment building, and many people know him by name.

He walks well on his leash, but loves to look for rabbits and squirrels on the way. He loves to sniff and stop to observe everything that is going on, especially on State Street. His favorite things to observe are musicians and skateboarders. Sometimes he needs a little encouragement when he stops, usually when there are loud sounds, and may even run over for a hug.

We go for another longer walk after work at 5, and have dinner at 6, and play the rest of the night. He loves trying to get treats out of his tire (he throws it to dislodge the treats!), and sliding ice cubes across the floor. We take a few shorter walks around the block to go potty before Smokey goes to sleep around 10pm. He sleeps throughout the night without fussing - though he does snore occasionally.

Smokey is doing very well with training, but still has a lot to learn! He is doing well with potty training, as long as you pay attention to how much water he has had and his cues. He is getting better with his manners, and has learned his name and commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and is working on “leave it,” “down,” and “spin.”

He does well with other dogs and just wants to play - I think he would do amazing in a home with a dog sibling to learn from and play with! Smokey’s latest interaction with a cat showed that he was very curious, but soon learned that the cat was not interested in him, and left her alone. He has also done well with the children he met, though he hasn’t spent extended periods of time with any kids since he has been with me.

On the weekends, I like to have Smokey try new environments and activities! He does very well in the car, and sometimes comes on errands with me. He has done well sitting at outdoor patios too, especially when a pup cup is involved! Smokey also LOVES water and does not hesitate to play with a hose, sit in a pool, or jump through fountains. 

Smokey’s favorite thing is sitting on the couch. He will sit up there on his own and play with his toys, or watch me clean up my apartment. Mostly, he loves sitting next to me and playing, or leaning on me to take a nap. It's also my favorite part of the afternoon when we sit together and watch TV while he naps or plays with his toys next to me.

Smokey has won my heart, along with those of almost everyone in Downtown Madison - I am sure he will win over your heart as well.



