
Great Pyrenees Mix | male | 1 Year Old | 47 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Loves people!

Newton found his forever family on 3/16/2023!



Check out Newton playing with his ball here!

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3


Newton has been settling into his new foster home so well. He currently lives in a house with 2 other dogs and 2 cats, which he loves. Newton is always 100% ready to play with other dogs and also takes corrections well when they aren't as interested in playing with him. While Newton does get the zoomies outside for a couple of minutes a day, he is a couch potato inside. He snoozes on the couch in his foster mom's office all afternoon. He sleeps in his crate every night with no complaints, but he also loves to snuggle in bed. Newton is very interested in playing with his kitty friends so he would do best in a house with dog-savvy cats. When Newton gets excited, he does love to nibble on his human's toes, it is very endearing, but we always redirect him to a toy which he immediately takes instead. He is always very gentle, but we want to encourage him to play with his toys instead of toes. 

Newton is almost fearless, he loves all new people and dogs, but his one mortal enemy is the Roomba. In his foster house, the robot vacuum runs every day at 10 am and Newton makes a valiant effort to protect his housemates from it. Luckily, after a couple of quiet woofs, play bows, and maybe a chomp or two at the vacuum, he accepts defeat and will go play with a toy instead of with the vacuum. Newton loves playing with his toys and he loves all toys equally. While soft plushy toys don't last very long in Newton's possession, he is equally happy with a Tuffy-toy or something designed for a little rougher play. 

Newton sometimes needs reminders of what is a toy and what isn't, but will very quickly and happily redirect to a dog toy.  When left alone, Newton does get crated and he is great in the crate. Newton loves to chew on new things a little too much and isn't quite ready for free-roaming privileges when alone. Newton is a super fantastic dog and one of the easiest fosters we have ever taken on. He is 100% house and crate trained, he is super friendly with all dogs and humans and just needs the occasional reminder that not all humans are as excited to meet him as he is them. He does occasionally jump up to greet new humans face to face and share kisses, but he definitely is a quick learner and is picking up quickly that his humans like it better when he doesn't jump up. 


Newton is looking for his new forever family or person. Could it be you? Newton is a medium-energy 1-year-old pup. He seeks his person's attention but is not clingy or anxious. Throughout the day he spends time in the yard where he enjoys playing with balls and toys (recently he added a plastic flower pot to his arsenal of toys). He also spends time in the home office of his foster mom or in his kennel. Newton would really prefer to sleep in the bed with his person or people but will sleep in his kennel without protesting. Here are a few videos of Newton which show off his intelligence; in particular Video 1 in which he carefully negotiates just the right opportunity to upscound with Buster's bone. On that note, Newton gets along wonderfully with other dogs and people. He doesn't bark much except for when he's out in the front yard and someone walks by. In the house he's quiet. Newton is still a 'puppy' and therefore can be a chewer. He'll take an interest, for example, in his foster mom's slippers (mmmm they must smell as wonderful as her feet surely do....). Well, there's just no accounting for some people's (dogs') taste, but regardless, Newton is a keeper!


Newton wakes up when his foster does at 6am and has breakfast while his foster gets ready. He immediately knows to sit and lay down to wait for his breakfast to get dished out! Then he goes for a walk or plays fetch at the park for 30 minutes. While his foster works from home for a few hours in the morning, Newton plays with toys or naps. Before his foster goes into the office, Newton goes outside for 20 minutes and gets a potty break. Newton then gets a frozen peanut butter filled Kong while he’s in his crate until his foster gets home from work around 4:15pm. Then, Newton goes for a 30-40 minute walk or plays fetch. After that, he goes in his crate for another 1-2 hours while his foster is gone again. When his foster gets back, Newton gets dinner and plays with some toys before he gets another hour of exercise outside. Newton is then tuckered out for the night and sleeps in his crate. Newton loves his crate and will go in anytime of the day to sleep!

Newton loves people! He can’t wait to get butt-scratches from everyone he meets! Newton likes to lean into you so that he gets the most pets possible! He may even sit in your lap if you’re sitting on the ground! He will happily greet everyone on the street and is happy to have visitors in his home. He should meet humans on a leash until he calms down from his initial excitement. He play bites after greeting people but he’s learning not to.

Newton has had no exposure to children.

Newton is a sweet medium-to-high energy dog. He will play as much as you will play, but is happy to sleep in his crate without a fuss whenever you don’t want to play! He can also play alone with toys happily. Newton even throws his toys in the air to himself! He can be clumsy sometimes and run into things while playing, but that doesn’t phase him! Newton loves to go on walks and run off-leash in a fenced in area. He walks okay on a leash and if he pulls, it’s not hard. He’s even better with his new easy walk harness! He occasionally thinks the leash is a toy but is learning that that’s not true. No mater where he walks, he likes to get sniffs in (sometimes more than walking!). He loves going to dog friendly stores to get new smells!

Newton gets along well with other dogs! He has met a few neighbor dogs, and enjoyed playing with him. He could have a doggy sibling or be an only dog. He wants to play with every dog he sniffs through a fence all day at the park—even little ones! He hasn’t had experience with other dogs in his home.

Newton has no exposure to cats.

Newton does great alone in his crate! He never complains when getting in or asks to come out until his foster is ready for him. Newton hasn’t been left alone outside of his crate yet because he’s still learning what is and isn’t a toy. He’s getting better though!

Newton can sometimes be mouthy and play nips but he’s learning that that’s not allowed. He is a sweet 1 year old pup that needs to learn just a few more manors about living in a house! A training class would be beneficial for him. Newton rides well in a car and likes to look out the window or nap. Newton is very quite and rarely barks, even when he sees other friends!



