
Golden Retriever Mix | Female | 9 months Old | 42 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Penelope found her forever family 4/24/2023!


Penelope and my resident dog get up early, between 5:30 and 7:00, depending on the day, and go outside for a bathroom break/short walk first thing. They eat breakfast together. If I work in office, Penelope is crated. If I work at home, then she alternates between the crate and laying around my work area. She'll get another walk around the lunch hour on days I work from home. She gets walked again after work, eats dinner, and hangs out until one more walk outside before bedtime in her crate.

Both inside and outside the home, Penelope is initially cautious with new people, but quickly warms up and is very affectionate. She loves cuddling and being petted. She is also big on licking/kissing.

Penelope had had no exposure to children or cats.

Penelope is still learning how to walk on a leash but has been doing very well; she will pull if she sees a squirrel, but can be redirected. She gets several shorter walks a day but I would recommend at least one longer walk. She would also benefit from the dog park and/or daycare.

Penelope is dog-friendly and has been respectful during dog introductions. She would like to interact more with my resident dog, who is older and uninterested, but has taken corrections well from her. They walk well together and hang out fine together at home. She does well with dogs and could live with them, from my experience with her.

Penelope has done well crated alone, she barks two or three times but settles down. I've been leaving a kong with peanut butter in her crate when I go to work and that seems to work well.

Penelope is such a sweet dog. I think she will do well in various home environments, either as the only dog or part of a pack. She would be a good fit for someone who enjoys an affectionate dog with medium-energy needs and is able to continue her training.



