Ms. Ivy

Pit Bull Mix | Female | 9 Years Old | 70 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! 🧸Loves to play 🥰Snuggle Pup ✔️ House trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Leash trained! ✔️ Good in the car!

Check out a video of Ivy here!

Ms. Ivy is a very special dog with a very special story. The 10,000th transport from Austin Pets Alive, she arrived in Wisconsin to a red carpet and so many fans from Texas all the way to Fetch. Found tied to a tree in a neglect case, she next lived in a shelter for over two years where she was so beloved she even packed on a few extra treat pounds! Ms. Ivy's story might make you wonder about her personality or temperament; it would be natural for a dog like her to be a little cautious with humans and dogs alike. Fortunately, Ms. Ivy is happy to show off her gentle, sweet, cuddly self immediately by climbing into your lap, demanding head scratches, or generally staying as close to you as possible. She is low-key, loves the couch, snuggling in her crate and on her foster's bed. She is definitely not an early riser, preferring to eat breakfast and then often putting herself back to bed! She loves taking sniff walks around the neighborhood, though can be quite strong on the leash given her size. She loves puppies and small dogs and makes sure to play at their level with her own special touch. Ms. Ivy is the epitome of a rescue success story, and it's time for her to find a home that can give her the good life she has always deserved.



