
Lab Mix | Female | 6 Years Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Bella found her family on 1/10/2023!


Check out a video of Bella here!

Bella wakes up, has a few bites of breakfast and then goes out potty around 6:30am. She then free roams with her foster brother and according to the cameras they just go room to room choosing different nap locations - never touching but always within a foot of each other. Some days she gets a potty break around noon, and I am home for good around 4pm when we do a quick walk or just a potty break depending on the weather. Her food bowl is then put back down and she grazes on it over a few hours while I cook and clean. We then snuggle up on the couch to read or watch a show and she lays her head on my lap! One more potty break before bed and she sleeps in bed with her foster brother and I!

Bella loves all people! She does the cutest little happy paw prance and wiggly butt anytime someone comes up to her, but is not overly excitable and will leave them alone if they ignore her. Outside, she pays no attention to people unless they approach her for pets... then cue the happy dance!

Bella has met a 1 year old as well as several 8-12 year olds and did great! As long as they are respectful of her space when she chooses to be alone!

Bella walks amazing on leash (I wish she would teach her foster brother a thing or two) and ignores all dogs and humans while leashed! She loves going for walks as long as it’s not too cold (the Texas native hasn’t acclimated quite yet) but also did well with several days of in and out potty breaks due to the cold weather! She is good at entertaining herself with a bone!

She does great with other dogs! She is not one to initiate play, but if they try she MAY decide to join in, otherwise just likes being in the presence of other dogs! Males she warms up to immediately and females she is a little anxious around at first, but with a slow intro also does well!

She was around cats with a sitter and they said she did really well! If the cats ran she would bunny hop and chase after them, but never out of the room - as human snuggles were much more important!

Bella free roams and hasn’t had a single issue! She was crated the first few days and while she didn’t make any noise or have accidents, she was very anxious in the crate and much prefers being left out! It is something she may be better at with work though!

Bella has some separation anxiety and would do best in a home with another confident dog! She could also live as an only dog, so long as her humans weren’t gone too much or were willing to help her work through her separation issues! Her previous humans left her alone in a rental unit when they moved out, so she has to learn that her new humans will always come back!

Overall she is a very very easy dog and I think she could thrive in any loving home!



