
Beagle Mix | Female | 1 year Old | 28 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

Amelie found her forever home on January 12, 2022!


Amelie is a happy, friendly, easygoing dog who settled quickly into our routine. We wake up between 8-9 am and she typically plays in the yard with the other dogs for an hour or so and eats breakfast. She loves to eat and is a little underweight, so I feed her as much as she wants. She is very submissive to my other dogs, so she will wait for them to finish eating before she will eat herself. She then naps in her crate for a few hours and then has another play session in the afternoon. In the evenings she will lay around chewing a rawhide, and she goes to bed in her crate between 10-11 pm.

Amelie can be shy with new people and will wag her tail at them but sometimes back away. She gets overexcited to meet people she knows, and likes to jump and howl with joy. She has learned that she's not supposed to jump up on me, so now she will run circles around me or do a play bow to let me know how happy she is to see me.

She hasn't been around children with me, but because of her exuberance I'd recommend monitoring her around young kids so she doesn't accidentally knock them over.

Amelie is a typical beagle in that she will play all day if you let her, but she also won't be overly hyper if she doesn't get a ton of playtime. She is pretty chill indoors, and will find a rawhide to chew or a bed to curl up on.

She has loved every dog that she has met from the moment she met them. She is very submissive to my other dogs, even my 8-pound Havanese, and will give up toys/food willingly. She would love another dog to live with, but if she's an only dog she hopes that her future parents will take her to daycare or the dog park.

Amelie lived with cats before coming to me and was very polite and friendly with them.

Amelie is crated when left alone and sometimes she will cry a little, but she settles down quickly and goes to sleep. If I crate her when I am home, she does better being crated in another room where she can't hear or see me. If she hears activity going on, she has a little FOMO and will cry at being left out. She has a typical hound "bay" that comes out when she gets excited, like when I let her out of her crate in the mornings or when she is chasing the other dogs. I wouldn't say she is a particularly barky dog though, so she might do fine in an apartment. I would recommend a spray bark collar if she needs a reminder to be quiet :)

Amelie was positive for Anaplasma in early December but is not showing any clinical signs. A positive result for Anaplasma just indicates antibodies to this bacteria, not necessarily active infection. Per our rescue protocol, she is currently being given a round of antibiotics.

Medical records also indicate hindlimb muscle atrophy. At this time, there is no known cause. However, Amelie does appear to be able to ambulate normally. The vet recommends continuing to monitor for any lameness, pain, limping, or progressive muscle wasting.

If you are looking for a happy, active, loving young dog who can go on adventures with you, Amelie would love to be your buddy!



